Saturday, February 26, 2011

FaMily ;)

I love the word "family" and all the meaning it holds. Family is the place where you are most loved, accepted, and cherished for who you are and not what you do. Its the people who would do anything for you and you would do anything for them! Each member of the family holds a specific role, which are all unique; but those roles all work together to create a peaceful, safe atmosphere. At least that's the way it should be! 
But some people do not like the word "family" because it does not hold this same meaning to them. My eyes have been opened to the many people who are not privileged to have this type of family. They are not loved or cherished for who they are; In fact, they are hated and ridiculed for who they are. They do not come first in the hearts of their family members, but come second to material things. Each family member holds a role, but it does not mean they work together to create a peaceful atmosphere. Instead, they hurt each other, causing lasting pain. Because of all this, family for a lot of kids is a scary, painful place to be.
But praise God, our earthly family is not the only family we can belong to.When we accept Christ in to our hearts, we become a part of the family of God. This family is everything it should be as mentioned above...and so much more. The Bible says we will receive His inheritance; and as His children...All He has belongs to us!! Most importantly we now have a Father who never stops loving and accepting us. He creates the most perfect, safe place where we can go to. Other believers become our brothers and sisters and this relationship will last for eternity! 
The people here in Brazil have taught me so much about the true family of God! They would do anything for each other and so many have accepted me as a family member and made me feel safe and loved! So what are we doing to create a safe, peaceful environment for others in the family of God? There is no room for ridicule or hurtful words and actions in God's family. Remember, other believers will be your family for all how are you treating them today?
God has blessed me with a wonderful family that I have taken for granted far too often! Being thousands of miles away from them has definitely made me appreciate them to much more than ever before. But the biggest eye opener for me is seeing all these 60 kids at the Lar who do not have a family...let alone a good one! So I am thankful for the family that God has blessed me with! I miss and love me nieces and nephew...being around kids all day definitely makes me think of them often!! 
So Dad, Mom, Lauri, Mike, Lori, Kristi, Sherri, Hayle, Kali, and Dominick I love yall so much and miss you everyday!! <3 I praise God for you and the role you play in my life!!

-His Daughter-
Melissa ;)

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