Tuesday, November 8, 2011


We cant touch it, count it, bottle it, or even see it! But who among us would argue that love is not real?
It makes sane people say and do crazy things. It prompts selfish people to do noble things. What else on earth has that kind of power?
It can hurt like nothing else in the world. And yet, paradoxically, not loving is much more painful.
The most talked-about theme in the world. as well as the most understood.
I John, the most eloquent description of love ever penned.
Its not everything you think it is. Its more....much, much more!!!

This was the introduction to the book of I John in my Bible and i do not think it could be said more perfectly what love is. Except for maybe I John 3:11-17 which talks about the love we are called to have to one another. "We know what real love is because Jesus gave up his life for us. So we also ought to give up our lives for our brothers and sister." Love is the sum of all commandments 1. Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength 2. and love your neighbor as yourself!!! 

I am also reading "The Shack" by Wm. Paul Young and it talks about the power of love in our lives. We, as humans, were made to be loved. So to live as though we are unloved is a limitation...it is like a bird who's wings are being clipped, and thus stripped of its ability to fly. The author goes on to talk about the trinity and why it is important to have 3 Gods in one. If there were only one God, we would find ourselves without love and relationship. "Love and relationship is possible for you only because it already exists in Me(God)!.....I am Love"(p.101) So if God did not have a someone to love, or a relationship within Himself, than He would not be capable of love at all. Then we would serve a God who could not love and would therefore act without love. "this would be a disaster"!!! God CANNOT act apart from love. This chapter gave me a new perspective on the love of God and how it is intrinsically woven into relationships and into who God has made us to be.

These kids here at the Davis Lar show so much love to me every day. On my birthday back in August, i got a million hugs, cards, and birthday wishes...along with a little party! Some of them even gave me little presents of the little that they have. It was a humbling and very emotional day (also because of it being my last day here before going home for over a month)! So some of them were even crying....their love is incredibly faithful and pure in spite of all they have been though though and I am honored to be a part of their lives.
Sabrina and Lenita


Luana and Edna

The All Loving Junior Girls


One Amazing Family: Josiel, Josenildo, and Josenilda

Always happy Jeferson

Silly Natalia



It is only Christ's love in me that loves on these kids every day!! Because with my own strength, I would get frustrated and upset often. :) Love is a strong word, and it is a scary, vulnerable place to really open your heart up and truly LoVe!! But when i read passages like I John and the chapter about love in "The Shack" I am completely humbled by God's love for me and the fact that Jesus chose to limit himself to a human being in order to relate to me and show us the ultimate act of love! It is because of this love that I am able and even know how to love!

Deus te Abencoe
(: Liss :)